
Showing posts from November, 2018


Sister, How long have I told you That my outfit are not yours? You always fail me. First those shoes, You look like a newborn baby Struggling to wear His father's trousers. The way they leave space behind Because your feet are too small. My sister, How many times have I told you To keep away from my wardrobe? You have your dresses My dresses aren't yours. When you put on  them, You be like a scarecrow. Lifeless in my dresses But still, You cling to my outfit. One day, they will cost you. Sister, You refuse to be young And put on my skirts. Who told you That we're at the same level When you wear my outfit? You need to have manners. Each has her own wardrobe Kindly stick to your lane. My sister, Accept the fact that you're young. Don't rush into adulthood. Your time will come. Never put on my outfit Or else, I'll leave them for you Am your elder sister And I passed my education. Stop putting on my outfit. They won'...


I wandered in the garden Lonely as a stray butterfly. Up the hill and down the valley Up  to the greener plains. No one to talk to Even a fly to look at. Shaking hands with loneliness Being my only friend remaining. Lonesome I went To the quiet jungle. No animal whistles Nor chirping of birds. Happy in  desolation My heart offering a consolation to my grieving mind. Slowly, I walked Through the thickets Under the tropical forest, And the exquisite tree tops. In that jungle, silently flowing Down to the great lake. The slight wind blew Loudly whispering, "Welcome to my world. The world of loneliness" Looking at the rocks Lying beside the river, I wondered aloud "All those years, these rocks have lived peacefully without talking to each other?" Then a force from nowhere Swept me Taking me back to our garden. All this time, I had been clutching On making numerous friends Cleverly realizing, Just like the rocks and trees Yo...


My heart Why do you want Everything in this world? You need to have manners And remain quiet in my chest Or else, I'll send you away. My heart Why do you love worldly things  More than heavenly treasures? Would you be happy Suppose am sent to hell? If your answer is no, Then stop luring me. Don't pretend that you're bussy My heart, Am talking to you. You got a lot of collaterals hence ruining my premisses Because of your fondness To money and wealth. My heart Can you try and relax a bit. Not every beautiful lady Is to be loved If you fall in love again, I won't rescue you! Beautiful ladies Will be there always. Heart, Stop forcing me To fell into ditches Of selfishness and greediness. You are corrupting me now And my innocent mind If you persist, I will chase you Out of my chest.


Hello mirror You are my companion, True and only friend. Always real Unlike these human fellas Who like pretending. If am happy, You say it. In case am sad, You don't remain silent. Revealing my swollen eyes, Each and every morning Before going to work. You are not hypocrite If I have pimples, You tell me. Even barbers and salonists Believe in you As a reference of their work And for surety. Mirror, You never lie. If am ugly, You keep it secret. For sure, You expose my achievements And hide my failures. If am handsome, You reveal it to the girls. Having you in my room Is a great achievement. You make me smile If I look at you. Also, You enable me To see myself And boost my confidence Before facing the interviewer. Truly, The mirror never lie! Photo: