
Showing posts from December, 2018


 Image: Life Site. Two thousand years ago, In the City of Bethlehem Our Saviour was born. So tender and young To deliver us from the hands Of Satan And the Bible tells it all. His mother, Mary, Was a Virgin And knew no man Conceived Him through The Holy Spirit's Might Only for us to be saved. On this day, A King was born. They wondered... How can a King be laid on a manger? Those who believed in the Old Testament prophesies Knew how Jesus would rule like a King. Not as an earthly leader, But as a heavenly Messiah. We should comemmorate this day, By sharing what we have with others. Do not eat goodies While your neighbour Has nothing to eat. For the love of our new born King, Let's love otthers. This is the time to visit the sick, Prisoners, aged and all The needy people in the society And give them hope That 'A Saviour' is born today And share with them Earthly and Spiritual food Let our King Come in peace And live with u...


Have you ever seen the butterfly? It always wanders in the garden And the colourful patterns, Well spread on its wings Brightly shinning, With all colours Like the famous 'kithiki.' During rainy season. So humble it is One and only of its kind. When it makes a wave, Am lost in admiration. I wake up early in the morning So that, I can catch up with it Before it wakes up. When I spot it, A smile appears on my lips And my face brightens up. Beautiful it is My heart is satisfied. Even my friends and other villagers, Admire this colourful butterfly. I tried to catch it Unluckily, it flew away Displaying its zig zag moves Swiftly cutting The thin air. During night time, I sneaked back to the garden With me was a torch Which I stole from My father's premises. I found it gently sleeping On a leaf nest, Made of light cotton. I ought not to touch it Or awaken it from its slumber. I returned back home Happy and relaxed. My butterfly Is the...